Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Wednesday 3rd July 2019 – Port Headland to Broome

The wind got up to 30-knots and we were caught up in another gale and got hammered all night. There was nothing you could do but curl up in the foetal position. At least this time I had reefed early and the sea state was nowhere as big as it was in the last gale we were in.

Sometime in the early morning there was a bang bang bang bang on the side of the hull and I jumped up thinking that I had entered a pearl farm or something, but the noise went away and there was nothing trailing behind the boat.

I’m guessing it was a stray pearl farm float or a turtle with a bad head ache?

I got up at day break and down loaded a new weather report. Which said the wind should start to reduce between 09:00 – 10:00, but we had to wait a bit longer.

The wind started to drop off around 2pm, by 4pm it had glassed out and we were once again motor sailing. In the clear water there were thousands of jelly fish streaming very long tentacles and we saw 6 or 7 sea snakes swimming on the surface.

At 17:00 I talked to Greg from Playground on the radio, they had just dropped anchor at Lagrange Bay for the night. After consulting the weather, I decided to motor sail the remaining 75 miles to Broome while it was glassed out. If we dropped the pick at Lagrange Bay around 21:00, we would have the wind right on the nose next morning for the remaining fifty miles into Broome.

It was very pleasant cruising conditions tonight. The only annoyance was whales breaching setting off the guard zone on the radar. Let’s hope we don’t bump into one in the dark.

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