Monday, October 21, 2019

Tuesday 22nd October 2019 – Gili Lawa Darat to Gili Lawa Laut

Sarah, Renault and I woke around 06:00 and we all headed off early to dive golden passage hoping we might see some manta rays and we were in luck, seeing one small one several times gliding in the strong current. I also saw several sharks and some pelagic’s.

The coral and small fish life here really is superb and I can spend all day in the water and never get sick of it.

We headed back to the boats for breakfast and a coffee and shortly after Lyre and her company bid us farewell once again on their trip to Bali. At 08:00 we dropped the mooring and headed over to Gili Lawa Laut to see what the diving is like there.

As we turned the corner into the Northern bay of Gili Lawa Laut, there were two Phinisi’s already on the only two mooring in the bay, so we now had to go to plan B.

Anchoring has been banned within the park, but unfortunately there are very few moorings and what there is, get the rope stolen by fishermen or the get broken by too many Phinisi’s connecting to them at the same time.

I moved around to the bay on the southern side near shot gun passage and was lucky to score the only mooring there.

I spent the next 3 or 4 hours underwater, shooting shotgun passage several times and checking out the fringing reef in all directions. I also took the dinghy all the way around to the northern side of the Island and dived Crystal rock and Castor rock, both sea mounts rising out of the scary depths. Crystal rock was the best and I must have stayed there for an hour or so seeing lots of pelagic’s.

I think Gili Lawa Darat and golden passage is a little bit better than Gili Lawa Laut, but I’m getting picky now. Crystal rock has been my favourite dive site so far.

I dived until the sun went down then returned to Sirocco for some dinner and I cracked one of my precious bottles of red wine.

It was a great day and I’m so knackered.

Track Sirocco’s progress

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